Abstract: For each n≥1, let {Xn,j, j≥1} be i.i.d. Bernoulli random variables with P{Xn,1=1}=pn=1-qn=1-P{Xn,1=0} ,0<pn<1. Define , where Rn,j=inf{k≥0: Xn,j+k=0} is the number of success runs starting at j, mn is a sequences of positive integers, and an=pn/qn . We show that, under the condition mnpn→∞ , the central limit theorem
holds if and only if mnqn→∞ as n→∞, where .A key observation here is that {Rn,j, 1≤j≤mn} forms a regenerative process so that some useful techniques from renewal theory can be utilized here.
Key words and phrases: Central limit theorem, number of success runs, regenerative process, renewal theory.